"Death is the end of every worldly pain", Geoffrey Chaucer

Or is it?

Assume the role of the alchemist Dr. Charon in this otherworldly cozy adventure.
Learn the story of the troubled souls who can't leave this world.
Help them pass to the other side using your potion-making skills.
And slowly uncover the story of Charon and her gift.

But remember.
The price of a soul's peace is a heavy one.
If they wish it... they must pay it in full...



Originally created for the "Games for Blind Gamers 3" Game Jam.

The Windows build, which you can download below, has screen reader compatibility. The web version does not and has been removed at this time. The controls are given in text below and are available in game. You can press V to call a ping for the current objective that will get louder as you get closer to the objective.



Player controls:
WASD - Movement
E - Interact
Q - Open inventory
ESC - Pause game
V - Ping objective

UI controls:
W - Navigate up
A - Navigate down
Space - Submit
ESC - Cancel 

Recipe controls:
Q - Turn page left
E - Turn page right
ESC - Quit 

Cauldron controls: 
W - Navigate up
A - Navigate down
E - Mix cauldron
ESC - Leave cauldron



Constantin Dumitru - Narrative, Story and Dialogue Designer
Corinne Kaulia Kimball - Producer and Level Designer
Eris Grant - Pixel and Character Artist
Jane Wei - Music and Sound Designer
Phoebe Hesketh - Gameplay, UI, and Accessibility Programmer


Version 2 Solace Memories of the Lost Windows Build.zip 39 MB


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Hello! I'm so intrigued by this--cozy games are very much my thing, but I seem to be unable to get anything with a screen reader upon launch. Is there something I need to do to enable reading? Using NVDA. Looks like a lovely project if I can get it running!